Saturday, June 7, 2008

There is more to life than increasing its speed. Mohandas Gandhi

The last few days I've been listening an audio version the book "The 4-Hour Workweek" by Timothy Ferriss.  The subtitle is:  Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich.  How could this possibly happen?  Isn't it the "law" that one works hard, and saves until they are 65? (Or 66 and 7 months for those of us born after a certain year).   Well, apparently not!

I was most intrigued by the chapter called "Mini Retirements".  What a concept?! I like it!  I've never been certain that permanent retirement was something I wanted in my life.   Of course the author has all sorts of good ideas on how to make this happen, some practical, some not so practical.  He also provides a wealth of websites to visit.  Including several websites that have opportunities for volunteer work opportunities.  

Another of the more interesting chapters described how to outsource your life.  There is an entire worldwide network of people who will complete every task from creating complex data-bases,  and research to writing an apology note to your spouse.  In fact, much of the research for this book was outsourced.  Some of the websites for outsourcing are set up in an Ebay style with jobs and bids submitted, and ratings given by both the bidders and those who bid.  I'm not sure if or when I'd use such a service, but the idea of a "global economy" at this level had never occurred to me!

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